• A. Sch.

    "Sehr geehrter Herr Meier,

    es ist mir ein großes Anliegen, mich bei Ihnen zu bedanken. Ihre Schuhe haben mein Leben verändert. Das mag pathetisch klingen, aber ich weiß nicht, was die Auswirkunen Ihrer Schuhe auf mein tägliches Leben besser treffen würde. ...Dabei lag der Schlüssel darin: Ich habe mir ein Paar Ihrer Schuhe gekauft. Ich seh es al letzten Versuch an. Dann geschah Erstaunlich: Seit diesem Paar Schuhe habe ich keinerlei Beschwerden mehr. ... Eines weiß ich jedoch mit Sicherheit, dass Ihre Schuhe mein Leben verändert haben! Dafür haben Sie ganz herzlichen Dank."

  • M. P.

    "Hervorragende Qualität und exzellenter Service. Mein ältestes Paar Schuhe aus diesem Haus ist fast 20 Jahre alt und immer noch in Form."

  • B. R.

    "Hochwertiges, umfangreiches und äußerst geschmackvolles Sortiment, niveauvolle und kompetente Beratung, echte Gastfreundschaft und ein sehr stilvolles Ambiente. Ich kaufe dort seit Anfang der 1990er regelmäßig ein und trage fast ausschließlich die Peduform-Schuhe des Hauses."

  • Dr. M. H.

    "Seit vielen, vielen Jahren (es sind wohl bereits über 30)  trage ich Ihre wunderbaren, klassischen Peduformleisten-Schuhe und es ist mir jedesmal wieder aufs Neue ein Genuß, in diese Schuhe zu schlüpfen und damit zu gehen. Ebenso der Einkauf in Ihrem Haus dank der jedesmal hervorragenden Beratung durch Ihre phantastische, so herrlich erfrischende & liebenswürdige Schuh-Sommelière Sig. Gobbo und Herrn Wiskocsil [Vyskocil] , die eine Anprobe in Ihren geschmackvoll eingerichteten Räumen immer zu einem besonderen Erlebnis werden lassen.Dies gilt insbesondere für die handgenähten Redtongue-Schuhe, die wie maßgeschneidert sitzen.Die hervorragende Passform der Redtongue-Schuhe bewahrte mich doch tatsächlich vor einer, in Zukunft notwendig gewordenen Operation im Mittelfußbereich. Das Problem hatte sich einfach im Laufe der Zeit ergeben. Doch durch das konsequente Tragen meiner div., dann erworbenen Redtongue-Schuhe, hat sich dieses Problem nachhaltig von selbst gelöst. Eine OP konnte vermieden werden.Herzlichen Dank für ihr orthopädisch-technisches Gespür/Interesse/Verständnis und dessen Umsetzung und daß Sie ein solch wunderschönes, geschmackvolles Bekleidungsgeschäft in München führen." M. H.

  • S. K.

    "Dank des hervorragendem Service, des ausgezeichneten Angebotes und des stilvollen Ambiente, wird hier Einkaufen zu einem Erlebnis der besonderen Art."

  • S. A. B.


    Dear Peter,

    I fondly remember when I met you first in spring of 1990. It was during
    one of our first meetings when I explained to you what my needs were as this
    pertains to regular bespoken shoes and boots. What I thought was a simple
    request turned out to be a bit more complex and challenging for you as well as
    for me. In May 1990 I finally got my first two pair of shoes and boots. They
    exceeded my expectations in every aspect and still do after so many years.
    However, I was not yet ready to embark on my next trip to northern India; Darjeeling
    and Sikkim. I needed a first class canvas
    to carry all of my most valuable belongings such as books, maps,
    compass, camera, first aid kit, passport, money and a spare set of shirts,
    socks, underpants etc.

    After seventeen (17) years of constant and most demanding usage I
    unequivocally can say: “This Ed Meier Bag is the best bag I ever

    Peter, in order to make the above statement more plausible I like to
    give you a short rundown on where I took “The Ed Meier Bag” during the last 17
    (seventeen) years.



    Five (5) times. From remote areas such as Leh in Kashmir, Simla / Tabo
    in Himachal Pradesh to Sikkim / Darjeeling. Rajastan, Khajurao, Varanasi.
    Calcutta, Madras, Triji, Tanjavur, Cape Comorin, Cochin, Bombay, Delhi and many
    more places throughout the entire Indian subcontinenet.

    Two (2) times to Sri Lanka. Visiting places such as Colombo, Galle,
    Sigiria, Anuradhapura, Pollonaruva, Kandy, Jaffna and Trincomalee.




    Three (3) times. From most of the metropolitan cities, (also including
    Hong Kong), all the way throughout the south and the north to the very remote
    areas in the west of China. The north and the south slope of the Silk Route and
    across the Pamir Plateau into Pakistan. The
    Hunza Valley, Gilgit, Lahore and Islamabad. Crossing the Waga Border to
    Amritsar in India.



    Three (3) times to Indonesia visiting most of the wonderful monuments
    such as Borobodur and Pranbanan.

    Five (5) times to Thailand from the north of Chiang Mai, Chiang Ray to
    Ayutthaya, Bangkok, Hua Hin, Pattaya and Phuket.

    Three (3) times to Burma. From Rangoon to Prome, Pagan, Mandalay, Bamo and
    Mt. Popa to just name a few.

    Five (5) times to Cambodia. Including places such as Phnom Penh, Angkor
    Wat, Bayon and all major as well as minor temples around Angkor. The Ruins of
    Sambor, Prey Kuk and Prasat Kaoh Ker.

    Two (2) times to Laos. Vientiane, Luang Prabang and the surrounding

    Three (3) times to Taiwan.



    Seven (7) times to Japan visiting most of the major cities and county sides.



    Having a home in California I travelled between London and San Francisco
    at least forty (40) times back and forth to the US and Canada. I did not visit
    all 50 states in the US but at least 40 including Alaska and Hawaii. I also did
    not visit all of the Canadian States but most of them.



    Four (4) trips to Mexico visiting the most interesting places all the
    way from the north to the south including Belize.

              Two (2) times to Chile from the Vale
    de la Luna in the North to the Tierra de

             la Fuego in the South.

    One (1) time to Peru, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina. Visiting the most
    important as well as remote places in each country.

    One (1) time to the Islands of Jamaica, Barbados and Santa Margarita.




    Two (2) times to Lebanon including Baalbek, Byblos, Tyre and Beirut.

    Two (2) times to Syria including Damascus, Aleppo, Hims and Palmyra.

    Two (2) times to Jordan including most of the biblical places as well as
    Jarash, Petra, Aquabah and Wadi Ramm.

    Three (3) times to Israel including most of the historical sites such as
    Haifa, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Masada and the Negev.

    Four (4) times to Turkey. The entire West Coast, South Coast, Central
    Anatolia and the region around the Van Lake bordering on to Iran.



    Two (2) times to most of the major attraction in Australia including
    Places such as Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, Adelaide, Alice Springs. The Ayers
    Rock and MacDonnell Ranges.

    One (1) time to New Zealand visiting a part of the North and the South
    Island including places such as Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

    One (1) time to Fiji Islands, Samoa and French Polynesia.



    Five (5) times to Egypt. Visiting most of the historical sites several
    times including more remote areas such as the Oases of Kharga, El Qualamun,
    Siwa and Frarafra in the Libyan Desert.

    Two (2) times to South Africa. crisscrossing the country several times
    visiting  major cities and national

    One (1) time to Libya to visit Tripoli, Leptis Magna and Sabrata.

    Two (2) times to Morocco visiting most of the historical places such as Tangier,
    Rabat, Casablanca, Marrakech and Fes.

    One (1) time to the Island of Mauritius and Reunion.



    In order to make this account not too long I opted for listing the
    countries I have not visited with my “Ed Meier Bag” during the last 17

    Island, Albania, Poland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia,
    Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

    All other European Countries had been visited several times during the
    last seventeen years.


    Peter, in conclusion I like to point out that some people might wonder
    how on earth one person can travel this much. There is simply not enough time



    do this. Incorrect… The fact is that I used the “Ed Meier Bag” even on many
    of my business trips as much as on vacation and exploration. It is such a good
    and practical bag which I do not want to miss on any of my future travels.


    Cordial regards,

  • B. R.

    "Hochwertiges, umfangreiches und äußerst geschmackvolles Sortiment, niveauvolle und kompetente Beratung, echte Gastfreundschaft und ein sehr stilvolles Ambiente. Ich kaufe dort seit Anfang der 1990er regelmäßig ein und trage fast ausschließlich die Peduform-Schuhe des Hauses."

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D-80333 München - Brienner Straße 10

Mo - Sa, 10.30 - 19.00 Uhr

T. 089 - 22 00 44 - T. 089 - 22 50 02


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